The lower back also known as the lumbar spine is a complex structure of interconnected bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and nerves all of which work together to maintain the structure, strength and flexibility of the spine. The lower back, however, is also prone to several types of injuries and ailments which in turn affect the spine health. Lower back pain needs to be treated almost immediately so that the health of the spine and the entire body can be maintained. Lower back pain can be of low intensity or it can be very severe depending upon the extent of injury to the lumbar spine. In either of the cases, the pain needs to be attended to immediately so that it does not turn into chronic pain that affects the overall health of the body. The following are a few treatments that can be used for lower back pain: Muscle relaxants : This is a medication that acts as a depressant for the central nervous system. The use of these medicines improves the movement of the tense muscles th...
Todd Sheets, DC