The neck is also known as the cervical spine and forms a major part of the skeletal system of the body and thus the spine. The neck starts at the base of the skull and contains many small bones or vertebrae. The cervical spine handles the weight of the head which is about 12 pounds and therefore it is essential that the neck health be maintained. The cervical spine or the neck has the ability to move the head in any direction and therefore is susceptible to several injuries and also pain. The susceptibility of the neck to injuries and pains is due to biomechanics to a certain extent. The cervical biomechanics are affected by several types of movements, events and activities like sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows. Neck pain is very bothersome and can be tough to handle. Neck pain also needs to be treated in the right manner and at the right time so that it does not develop into something more serious and problematic. The following are the m...
Todd Sheets, DC