The spine is the most important part of the human body as it gives the body shape and enables it to perform various functions. The spinal cord is made of small bones, tissues and muscles that are susceptible to injuries and pains. A pain in any muscle, tissue or joint of the spinal cord gives rise to several health problems. A health issue with the spinal cord results in back pain that can be very severe and chronic. Back pain, whether acute or chronic, needs to be treated to ensure that it does not give rise to other problems in the spine.
Back pain has become a very common problem in people of all ages. Many people complaint of a back pain which can arise because of the following reasons:
• Postural problems
• Spinal abnormalities like ruptured disc, herniated disc etc.
• Muscular strains and weaknesses
• Fractures causing compensation and weakness in the back
• Poor form when exercising
• Over-training or exercising a lot without enough rest intervals
• Exercise or sports related injuries
• Inflexibility
• Stiffness due aging
• Wearing non-supportive shoes when standing for long periods
• Obesity
• Unhealthy lifestyle
• Pregnancy
• Emotional and psychological stress
• Depression
• Lack of sleep
• Sleeping in improper positions
• Osteoporosis
• Infections or chronic diseases that affect the immune system of the body
Back pain can be a result of anyone or a combination of the above listed causes. Back pain affects everyone differently since it develops because of different reasons. The symptoms of back pain may include the following:
• Tenderness and pain radiating from low back into the thighs. This pain may get worse when a person walks, exercises, stands or moves.
• Stiffness in the lower back and restricted movements.
• Pain when bending, walking, climbing and lifting things.
• Pain when sleeping or once when standing up in the morning.
• Inability to stand for long time periods and worsened pain if one stands for long time.
• Discomfort in the tail bone when sitting.
• Muscle weakness, heaviness and numbness in the lower back and the legs.
• Sharp pains following injuries, trauma, collision or fall.
It is important that back pain be treated because it has a tendency to come back. If left untreated, any re-occurrence of a back pain can take its toll on the body and may become a chronic one. Sometimes, chronic back pains cannot be treated by chiropractic and non-surgical methods and it becomes essential to opt for surgical methods of getting relief from back pain.
Mission Viejo Chiropractic aims at helping people suffering from acute or chronic back pain to get relief from such pain without having to make use of drugs and surgical methods. We find the root cause of the back pain and work to eliminate the problem from the root to ensure that it does not re-occur.
Back pain has become a very common problem in people of all ages. Many people complaint of a back pain which can arise because of the following reasons:
• Postural problems
• Spinal abnormalities like ruptured disc, herniated disc etc.
• Muscular strains and weaknesses
• Fractures causing compensation and weakness in the back
• Poor form when exercising
• Over-training or exercising a lot without enough rest intervals
• Exercise or sports related injuries
• Inflexibility
• Stiffness due aging
• Wearing non-supportive shoes when standing for long periods
• Obesity
• Unhealthy lifestyle
• Pregnancy
• Emotional and psychological stress
• Depression
• Lack of sleep
• Sleeping in improper positions
• Osteoporosis
• Infections or chronic diseases that affect the immune system of the body
Back pain can be a result of anyone or a combination of the above listed causes. Back pain affects everyone differently since it develops because of different reasons. The symptoms of back pain may include the following:
• Tenderness and pain radiating from low back into the thighs. This pain may get worse when a person walks, exercises, stands or moves.
• Stiffness in the lower back and restricted movements.
• Pain when bending, walking, climbing and lifting things.
• Pain when sleeping or once when standing up in the morning.
• Inability to stand for long time periods and worsened pain if one stands for long time.
• Discomfort in the tail bone when sitting.
• Muscle weakness, heaviness and numbness in the lower back and the legs.
• Sharp pains following injuries, trauma, collision or fall.
It is important that back pain be treated because it has a tendency to come back. If left untreated, any re-occurrence of a back pain can take its toll on the body and may become a chronic one. Sometimes, chronic back pains cannot be treated by chiropractic and non-surgical methods and it becomes essential to opt for surgical methods of getting relief from back pain.
Mission Viejo Chiropractic aims at helping people suffering from acute or chronic back pain to get relief from such pain without having to make use of drugs and surgical methods. We find the root cause of the back pain and work to eliminate the problem from the root to ensure that it does not re-occur.
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